Friday, 15 February 2008

Notes while reviewing: The Responsibility Virus

I got quite a lot out of reviewing the Responsibility Virus, but most of it not from the book. I recommend 2 papers from Roger Martin's web page :

  1. Breaking the code of change
  2. Strategic Choice Structuring

Taken together, these two papers provide a complementary view of the information in The Responsibility Virus.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Book Review: The Responsibility Virus

Roger Martin describes the Responsibility Virus manifesting as all-or-nothing thinking when it comes to leadership and responsibility. So when a problem manifests, if the leader succumbs to the effects of the Virus then they dive in and become the "Hero" taking all the responsibility for the problem. At which point, everyone else involved in the system infected with the Virus says "go on then" and steps back.