Sunday, 19 October 2008

How to Track Your Time To Manage Better

I have grown more aware of the passage of time over the years. Not just in the sense of growing older, but as a manager my time gets split between multiple foci.

As a team member I typically had one or two tasks or priorities. At the end of the day I generally knew what I had done.

As a manager I have more priorities, more 'things' on the go, a broader view of the work going on. If I don't have a good handle on that then I start to question if I really know the activities and work done on a project.

A result of this:

  • I plan my day,

  • I track my day,

  • I evaluate my day.

I have changed the way I do this over the years, and I will continue changing this as each project has different needs, each company I work for has different tools and I learn to track what I do better.

I shall describe my experiences with, and with not, tracking time.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Book Review: Life's a Pitch by Stephen Bayley & Roger Mavity

Subtitled "How to Sell yourself and your brilliant ideas" this dual-authored book has two parts. One for each author. And yes this has made it schizophrenic.

The first half by Roger Mavity tells the hard won lessons from a marketeer. The second half by Stephen Bayley reads like a standard book researched management text.

I only found value in part one so this review has its basis in that text.

The first half of the book roars along, peppered with anecdotes and words of wisdom. |